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H.R. 232, the Real Justice for Our Veterans Act, would authorize the Department of Justice (DOJ) to provide grants to local governments for improving retention rates in Veterans’ treatment courts and specialized programs that integrate substance use treatment services with criminal justice proceedings. The bill also would allow Veterans to participate in a regular drug court program if no Veterans’ treatment court is available. This bill would also require DOJ to report to Congress three years after its enactment on the effectiveness of Veterans’ treatment court programs, including an assessment of access to such programs for women and other demographic groups.

Years of experience from the Veterans’ treatment courts have resulted in a reduction of recidivism rates for Veterans compared with persons in other treatment courts and individuals not involved in any sort of alternative or diversionary court program. DAV supports H.R. 232, in accordance with DAV Resolution No. 030, which supports the continued growth of Veterans’ treatment courts in addition to appropriate goals and metrics to determine the program’s effectiveness.

We request DAV members and supporters contact their elected representative and urge them to co-sponsor and support H.R. 232, the Real Justice for Our Veterans Act of 2023.