Health Library


Veterans have access to a 24/7 online health library that provides information and education about treatments and conditions offered by VA.

The Veterans Health Library (VHL) has over 1,500 health sheets and 150 videos in both English and Spanish. It gives Veterans access to health information to help them make informed decisions on their care. VA clinicians are also aware of the VHL. The medical content in the library aligns with Department of Defense and VA clinical guidelines.

Becky Hartt Minor, a health educator and program manager for the VHL, said the program has grown.

“The VHL is nearly eight years old, and we average nearly a million page views a year,” she said. “We know Veterans want a source for medical information that is relevant and provides easy to read information on health conditions ranging from PTSD and Mental Health to Chronic Pain and Heart Disease.”

What Veterans are saying about the Veterans Health Library

“I was preparing for cardiac surgery and wanted more information. Something to supplement what my provider and nurse practitioner had already given me. I stopped by the VA facility library, got on the computer and got into the VHL. It was easy to find the trusted health information I needed.

“Within seconds, I was able to view several cardiovascular videos, download a few online guides, and print out several educational pamphlets. I was amazed with the quantity and quality of the information I found on my heart condition and pending procedure.”

The VHL both is mobile friendly and offers links to other VA resources. It can be also be accessed on the MyHealtheVet web site where Veterans use secure messaging to communicate with their VA care providers and order their prescriptions for home delivery.

Unlike other health web sites, the Veterans Health Library is free of advertisements and pop up ads. Visit today to stay well and well-informed.


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