Welcome to Veterans-For-Change Website!
I am the son of a retired and now deceased Marine, MGySgt. Lesley Davis.
This site is dedicated to the memory of my father for his service to our country and being contaminated by Agent Orange which caused his ALS.
Dad served in the Marine Corps for 26 1/2 years, having been stationed at NAS Memphis, Tn., NAS Jacksonville, TN, MCAS El Toro, MCAS Cherry Point, Da Nang, Viet Nam, MCAS (LTA) Tustin, Iwakuni Japan, back to El Toro, where dad finally retired.
When dad retired he had a mission, that mission was to see to it that every single veteran got their benefits, services, medical attention, proper medical facilities, etc..
Dad was a member of the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars in Midway City, California and served as Post Commander for the VFW for a short time until his health wouldn’t allow him to continue, and while dad lay in the hospital during his last few days, he asked me to make several promises to him, one of which was to continue his battle with the VA and help any veteran as best I could to achieve the benefits they deserved.
Dad passed away April 24, 2006, and since May of 2006 I have been battling every single day doing all that I know to do to fight for Veterans and their needs.
In August 2006 the VFW Post Membership voted and was passed that the Post be renamed the Leslie A. Davis Memorial Post #11549. On November 7, 2006 the renaming was Certified by the VFW and on December 18, 2006 the VFW Post held a service to present mom with a Plaque to show the name change.
Please feel free to post anything you’d like about yourself, your service, illnesses, VA benefits in the appropriate forum.
Jim Davis
Founder & CEO
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