
Is Bronchitis contagious?

Bronchitis absolutely can be contagious! It all depends on what causes it. Bronchitis is simply the swelling of the bronchi,…

Bronchitis absolutely can be contagious! It all depends on what causes it. Bronchitis is simply the swelling of the bronchi, medium sized airways, in the lungs. This can be from smoke, allergies, the flu, a cold, you name it. So, again, bronchitis CAN BE CONTAGIOUS! Answer 2: I dont think so. it goes with your bhroncial tubes. please excuse my missspelling. but since its inside u it shouldnt bo contagious. ...

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

What is chronic bronchitis?

Chronic bronchitis means the airways are irritated, narrowed, and make too much sticky mucus . The walls of the airways…

Chronic bronchitis means the airways are irritated, narrowed, and make too much sticky mucus . The walls of the airways are swollen and block air from passing through. Over time, this causes permanent damage to the lungs.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

What is allergic bronchitis?

Allergic bronchitis is not an INFECTION Its inflammation of bronchial tree (inside ur Lungs) due to external allergens like, amoke,…

Allergic bronchitis is not an INFECTION Its inflammation of bronchial tree (inside ur Lungs) due to external allergens like, amoke, dust, pollens, mite etc. Answer 1: INFECTION OF MEMBRANE LINING THE BRONCHIAL TREEE

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

What is chronic asthmatic bronchitis?

Chronic asthmatic bronchitis is the condition in which the airways in the lungs are obstructed due to both persistent asthma…

Chronic asthmatic bronchitis is the condition in which the airways in the lungs are obstructed due to both persistent asthma and chronic bronchitis. People with this disease generally also have a persistent cough which brings up mucus. Chronic asthmatic bronchitis which also involves emphysema is usually classified under the more general category of COPD.


Chronic asthmatic bronchitis is the condition in which the airways in the lungs are obstructed due to both persistent asthma and chronic bronchitis. People with this disease generally also have a persistent cough that brings up phlegm . Chronic asthmatic bronchitis, which also may involve emphysema, is usually classified under the more general category of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).


Chronic asthmatic bronchitis is the condition in which the airways in the lungs are obstructed due to both persistent asthma and chronic bronchitis (see sections 1.0 and 1.0.6). People with this disease generally also have a persistent cough which brings up mucus. Chronic asthmatic bronchitis which also involves emphysema is usually classified under the more general category of COPD.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

What is a bronchitis?

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the mucus membranes of the bronchial tubes (the main air passages connecting the trachea or…

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the mucus membranes of the bronchial tubes (the main air passages connecting the trachea or windpipe to the lungs) which causes a persistent cough and produces considerable phlegm. It is usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection. It is aggravated by exposure to smoke, dust, allergens, strong fumes or chemical irritants. Acute bronchitis is characterized by sudden onset and short duration (It usually clears up in a few days). ...


Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi, the large airways inside the lungs. (Bronchiolitis is the inflammation of the bronchioles, the small airways. ) This inflammation often leads to increased mucus production in the airways. Bronchitis is generally caused either by a virus or by exposure to irritants such as dust, fumes, or cigarette smoke. If caused by a virus, the bronchitis will likely be only temporary. ...


Bronchitis refers to infection or inflammation of the smaller airways of the respiratory tract. The respiratory tract consists of the lungs and the airways. The airways are composed of larger tube-like structures such as the main wind-pipe (the trachea) and smaller tube-like structures called the bronchi. Although Bronchitis may refer to infection or inflammation of the bronchi, for the context of this discussion, Bronchitis refers to infection of the bronchi.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

What is chronic bronchitis? What is the difference between chronic bronchitis and COPD?

The lung has a series of branching tubes that deliver air to and from the atmosphere to the alveoli. These…

The lung has a series of branching tubes that deliver air to and from the atmosphere to the alveoli. These tubes are called bronchi. The cells that line the bronchi are made up of special cells with hairy filaments on them called cilia, as well as special cells that secrete mucus. The function of these cells is to protect the lung from pollutants, allergens, and micro-organism that we inhale from the environment. ...

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

What about bronchitis?

Bronchitis is uncommon in healthy, young nonsmoking adults. Most of what people call bronchitis is actually the cough associated with…

Bronchitis is uncommon in healthy, young nonsmoking adults. Most of what people call bronchitis is actually the cough associated with a chest cold and doesn’t require antibiotics. Many people with allergies or exercise-induced asthma may have their symptoms triggered by a viral URI. It’s often worse at night, with exercise or exposure to cold air. An inhaler, like albuterol, will help chest tightness, wheezing or shortness of breath.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

What is acute bronchitis??

A respiratory tract infection that causes inflammation of the trachea and the bronchi. Beginning with a dry cough that turns…

A respiratory tract infection that causes inflammation of the trachea and the bronchi. Beginning with a dry cough that turns to one producing mucus, the infection may cause discomfort during inhalation. Treatment generally is the same as for coughs or colds -- cough suppressants and plenty of liquids. Moistening the air with a humidifier will help clear passages of mucus. A physician should be consulted if symptoms persist or if there is a possibility of more serious infection.


Bronchitis is an inflammation of the breathing tubes (airways) that are called bronchi, which causes increased production of mucus and other changes. Although there are several different types of bronchitis, the two most common are acute and chronic. Acute bronchitis is the inflammation of mucous membranes of the bronchial tubes.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

How do you treat bronchitis?

You need to see a physician and get a prescription for an antibiotic, And take every pill for the 10…

You need to see a physician and get a prescription for an antibiotic, And take every pill for the 10 days they usually give it for the patient. And rest in bed. Answer 1: you need an antibiotic... please help me!!!!;... Answer 2: only meds, go see a doc.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

Does it cause asthma, allergies, or bronchitis?

Asbestos exposure in homes and buildings is not associated with non cancer breathing difficulties, such as asthma, allergies, or bronchitis.

Asbestos exposure in homes and buildings is not associated with non cancer breathing difficulties, such as asthma, allergies, or bronchitis.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan