
What tools will work best to make the house look better?

A feather duster and one of those new mops called Swiffers can hide a multitude of sins, getting up the…

A feather duster and one of those new mops called Swiffers can hide a multitude of sins, getting up the obvious dust, dust bunnies and floor debris with ease. They are also light and easy to handle. You can get away with a lot if things are simply neat and dust free.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

What can I do to keep my muscles from getting too painful?

Joints may feel as if they hurt, but in reality FMS is a syndrome that affects the connective tissues that…

Joints may feel as if they hurt, but in reality FMS is a syndrome that affects the connective tissues that surround the joint, making it seem as if the joints themselves are hurting. (Of course, many fibromites also have arthritis - in which case the joints really do hurt as well.) This isn't surprising, as it has recently been found that the main problem in FMS is probably an aberration of the central pain mechanism, which involves neuroendocrine and immune dysfunctions.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

How can I communicate to my partner that sex doesn’t interest me?

Basically, most people with fibro experience a loss of interest in sex. This really isn't surprising – very few people…

Basically, most people with fibro experience a loss of interest in sex. This really isn't surprising – very few people have a lot of libido when they ache and hurt and are exhausted, and when the problem is a chronic one, for which there is little relief. To make things worse – sex can hurt because it does involve stress on our connective tissues. You must make sure that your partner understands this, and doesn't blame himself or herself.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

How come my temperature never seems to be normal?

Fibro patients can be abnormally sensitive to cold or hot weather. They are often cold when others are hot, or…

Fibro patients can be abnormally sensitive to cold or hot weather. They are often cold when others are hot, or hot when most people are comfortable – and can also have chills while sweating. Dressing in layers seems to be the best way to deal with this, as you can always take something off or put something on until you reach relative comfort.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

How can I remember things I need to do?

Write things down. Use a calendar to record appointments. Put post-it notes around your monitor, and keep a list of…

Write things down. Use a calendar to record appointments. Put post-it notes around your monitor, and keep a list of groceries and things needed on the refrigerator. Write it down when you think of it on a notepad that you keep with you. (Then try not to forget to read your lists.)

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

Will the "pain patch" help me with my chronic fibro pain?

A common aid to FMS pain is an analgesic skin patch called Duragesic (Fentanyl), which is applied every third day…

A common aid to FMS pain is an analgesic skin patch called Duragesic (Fentanyl), which is applied every third day and works on a time release basis. The first application may take up to 72 hours to become effective. This drug is prescribed only for chronic pain, and is a narcotic with addictive potential, although effective if used exactly as prescribed. Some patients, however, report that the patch is not effective for the full 72 hours, and so find that they need another medication for ”breakthrough” pain.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

Should I worry about allergies?

Allergies are not, of course, limited to fibromyalgia sufferers, but many people with fibro also seem to have allergies. While…

Allergies are not, of course, limited to fibromyalgia sufferers, but many people with fibro also seem to have allergies. While for the most part they affect the respiratory system, they can also affect our skin and internal areas by swelling and hives. Allergies can develop quite suddenly – what was fine for you one day may become a problem – even a life-threatening one, at another time. Add them to fibro and you can feel pretty dreadful. See a good allergist. Remember that it's not just food you can be allergic to, but environmental factors, and even your prescribed medications.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

How can I find a happy medium between too loud and unhappy family?

At home, you may need to negotiate with other household members. If your spouse loves loud music, get earphones for…

At home, you may need to negotiate with other household members. If your spouse loves loud music, get earphones for him or her. Put lights on dimmer switches. Let your family know how you perceive these things. Take any steps you can to reach a compromise that will allow you some comfort level without putting them out too badly.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

Is it normal for me to feel so depressed?

Keep in mind that the doctor who says that you are depressed is probably right. But the depression isn't causing…

Keep in mind that the doctor who says that you are depressed is probably right. But the depression isn't causing your pain – it is caused by it. Some people have dragged around to different doctors for months or years, only to get the shake of the head and the quick dismissal as a hypochondriac. Of course we're depressed! Being in pain and also being dismissed is reasonable cause. Don't let it drag you down. Find a doctor who believes in FMS and understands that it is real.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

Is FMS real or am I just depressed?

Keep in mind that the doctor who says that you are depressed is probably right. But the depression isn't causing…

Keep in mind that the doctor who says that you are depressed is probably right. But the depression isn't causing your pain – it is caused by it. Some people have dragged around to different doctors for months or years, only to get the shake of the head and the quick dismissal as a hypochondriac. Of course we're depressed! Being in pain and also being dismissed is reasonable cause. Don't let it drag you down. Find a doctor who believes in FMS and understands that it is real.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

How can I stop misplacing everything?

Work out routines. With small things that are easily mislaid like keys or glasses, make it a point to put…

Work out routines. With small things that are easily mislaid like keys or glasses, make it a point to put them in the same place every time. Don't open your car door until you have put your keys safely in your purse. When you get to the house, make certain to walk to the place where your purse goes immediately - always the same place. Put it there before doing anything else.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

Is there a "best" way to lay when trying to sleep?

Quality of sleep, rather than quantity, partially determines how fatigued you are. Ten hours of non-refreshing sleep, which never reaches…

Quality of sleep, rather than quantity, partially determines how fatigued you are. Ten hours of non-refreshing sleep, which never reaches the deep level, will leave you as tired, or more tired, when awakening than you were when you went to bed. Developing proper sleep habits – not relying on naps, rising and sleeping on a regular schedule, etc., in conjunction with medication, can help you to achieve more restful sleep. Establish a wind-down routine for bedtime and stick to it.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

How can I stop constantly losing things?

Work out routines. With small things that are easily mislaid like keys or glasses, make it a point to put…

Work out routines. With small things that are easily mislaid like keys or glasses, make it a point to put them in the same place every time. Don't open your car door until you have put your keys safely in your purse. When you get to the house, make certain to walk to the place where your purse goes immediately - always the same place. Put it there before doing anything else.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

What if my doctor doesn’t seem to believe in fibro?

Ask your doctors about trigger points, if you want to see how much they actually know about fibromyalgia. If they…

Ask your doctors about trigger points, if you want to see how much they actually know about fibromyalgia. If they act confused, or if they start talking about sore points in your joints or muscles, then they don't really know the specifics of fibro. However, if they are willing to learn, point them to some good books on the subject. If they know what a trigger point is and have passed the first test, you may very well have yourself a good doctor.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

How can I take an active part in my own treatment?

Fibromyalgia has so many symptoms that it's all too easy to blame every new thing we find wrong on it.…

Fibromyalgia has so many symptoms that it's all too easy to blame every new thing we find wrong on it. Don't. It's all too easy to overlook signs of other, treatable diseases until they become severe enough to create real problems. Check with others who have fibro – join a support group or find a good online discussion. If most people don't experience that symptom they way you do, see a doctor. Even fibromites get other illnesses.


Help your doctor help you remember that your doctor has hundreds of medical conditions to keep current about. You have your fibro. Take charge of your illness by keeping informed about it, reading up on it and becoming acquainted with not only the symptoms but also new developments and research. That's the best way to help your doctor to help you.


Don't blame it all on fibroIt might look like fibro and feel like fibro - it may even be listed as a typical fibro symptom - but it might be something other than fibro. Maybe even something that can be treated and fixed. If you suddenly notice new symptoms that you haven't experienced before, report it to your doctor. It's all too easy to blame everything on fibro when it isn't.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

How can I deal with embarrassment over my fibrofog?

There is humor in fibrofog, so learn to enjoy it. Example: "Fibrofog is great. You can buy one book and…

There is humor in fibrofog, so learn to enjoy it. Example: "Fibrofog is great. You can buy one book and read it repeatedly and still keep being surprised." Being able to laugh at yourself will help others to deal with your lapses as well. Brushing your teeth with a tube of polysporin will seem funny in a few days. Honest.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

Why does my body seen out of sync with the actual temperature?

Fibro patients can be abnormally sensitive to cold or hot weather. They are often cold when others are hot, or…

Fibro patients can be abnormally sensitive to cold or hot weather. They are often cold when others are hot, or hot when most people are comfortable – and can also have chills while sweating. Dressing in layers seems to be the best way to deal with this, as you can always take something off or put something on until you reach relative comfort.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

Why am I suddenly gaining/losing weight?

Scientific evidence suggests that fibromyalgia and CFIDS symptoms are due, at least in part, to abnormal cellular metabolism. This leads…

Scientific evidence suggests that fibromyalgia and CFIDS symptoms are due, at least in part, to abnormal cellular metabolism. This leads to abnormal weight gain and/or loss. We can discipline our metabolism to behave with more regularity by watching our eating habits. The nutrient most often found lacking is magnesium, and that deficit also contributes to Charley horses and other cramping. Too much calcium, and too many refined carbohydrates, can deplete our supply of magnesium.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

What can I do when I’m both foggy and bored?

Identify situations that stress you. Then do your best to avoid them. If you can't avoid them, find ways to…

Identify situations that stress you. Then do your best to avoid them. If you can't avoid them, find ways to think about them more positively. Sometimes even knowing what stresses you helps - forewarned is forearmed. You may want to keep a list of stressful situations so you know what to try to avoid.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

Will a hot bath help with this muscle pain?

Joints may feel as if they hurt, but in reality FMS is a syndrome that affects the connective tissues that…

Joints may feel as if they hurt, but in reality FMS is a syndrome that affects the connective tissues that surround the joint, making it seem as if the joints themselves are hurting. (Of course, many fibromites also have arthritis - in which case the joints really do hurt as well.) This isn't surprising, as it has recently been found that the main problem in FMS is probably an aberration of the central pain mechanism, which involves neuroendocrine and immune dysfunctions.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

Is the pain in my joints, my muscles - or in my head?

Joints may feel as if they hurt, but in reality FMS is a syndrome that affects the connective tissues that…

Joints may feel as if they hurt, but in reality FMS is a syndrome that affects the connective tissues that surround the joint, making it seem as if the joints themselves are hurting. (Of course, many fibromites also have arthritis - in which case the joints really do hurt as well.) This isn't surprising, as it has recently been found that the main problem in FMS is probably an aberration of the central pain mechanism, which involves neuroendocrine and immune dysfunctions.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

How can I best describe the muscle pain I get with FMS?

Joints may feel as if they hurt, but in reality FMS is a syndrome that affects the connective tissues that…

Joints may feel as if they hurt, but in reality FMS is a syndrome that affects the connective tissues that surround the joint, making it seem as if the joints themselves are hurting. (Of course, many fibromites also have arthritis - in which case the joints really do hurt as well.) This isn't surprising, as it has recently been found that the main problem in FMS is probably an aberration of the central pain mechanism, which involves neuroendocrine and immune dysfunctions.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

Can my computer work as a memory aid?

Use a computer reminder service to record important dates and appointments. One useful program is "Say the Time". People with…

Use a computer reminder service to record important dates and appointments. One useful program is "Say the Time". People with fibrofog never seem to know what day it is, but this program will tell you hourly, on the hour. But better still, you can set an unlimited number of alarms to warn you of upcoming events that you need to remember – even to the point of an alarm to remind you to check the pot roast in 15 minutes – and 15 minutes later remind you to go do it.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

Why am I having trouble writing and typing?

Acquired dyslexia is not like the dyslexia that is commonly listed as a learning disability. What acquired dyslexia means is…

Acquired dyslexia is not like the dyslexia that is commonly listed as a learning disability. What acquired dyslexia means is that you may suddenly find yourself transposing letters as you type or write. The brain is sending confused messages to your hands and fingers. Your reading and spelling ability is intact – it just refuses to translate to your hands. If you must compose and send out important documents try proofreading them backwards – last word first – and you will have a better chance to catch any errors.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

Have I forgotten how to spell and write?

Acquired dyslexia is not like the dyslexia that is commonly listed as a learning disability. What acquired dyslexia means is…

Acquired dyslexia is not like the dyslexia that is commonly listed as a learning disability. What acquired dyslexia means is that you may suddenly find yourself transposing letters as you type or write. The brain is sending confused messages to your hands and fingers. Your reading and spelling ability is intact – it just refuses to translate to your hands. If you must compose and send out important documents try proofreading them backwards – last word first – and you will have a better chance to catch any errors.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

Is the pain in my jaw from muscles or from joints?

Facial and head pain, as experienced by almost 90% of all fibromyalgia patients is referred to as Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction…

Facial and head pain, as experienced by almost 90% of all fibromyalgia patients is referred to as Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome or TMJD. It manifests itself as facial and jaw pain and tenderness, and while it feels like a joint problem, it is actually pain in the surrounding muscles and ligaments.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

Why does my skin hurt?

Allodynia (skin hurts to touch) is a burning/tingling sensation on the surface of the skin. The lightest whisper of material,…

Allodynia (skin hurts to touch) is a burning/tingling sensation on the surface of the skin. The lightest whisper of material, or the softest touch is unbearable. Sometimes just plain aspirin will relieve a bit of the pain. Wearing clothing made of very soft material such as such as silk, satin and cashmere, and also velour, knit rayon and French terry cloth also helps. Natural fibers that feel smooth and soft to the touch are best for both the allodynia and other "fibro factors".

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

Can better nutrition make me feel better?

Scientific evidence suggests that fibromyalgia and CFIDS symptoms are due, at least in part, to abnormal cellular metabolism. This leads…

Scientific evidence suggests that fibromyalgia and CFIDS symptoms are due, at least in part, to abnormal cellular metabolism. This leads to abnormal weight gain and/or loss. We can discipline our metabolism to behave with more regularity by watching our eating habits. The nutrient most often found lacking is magnesium, and that deficit also contributes to Charley horses and other cramping. Too much calcium, and too many refined carbohydrates, can deplete our supply of magnesium.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

What kind of doctor is best if I plan on applying for disability?

There may not be a cure for fibromyalgia, but there are treatments that will allow us to function, if not…

There may not be a cure for fibromyalgia, but there are treatments that will allow us to function, if not normally at least enough that we don't feel useless and handicapped. Doctors who think of fibro as a "wastebasket" diagnosis tend to dismiss most of your symptoms as being psychosomatic, and may not be willing to prescribe anything other than aspirin.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

Will I need a lawyer when applying for disability?

Hire yourself a lawyer specializing in disability. The SSA (and your own insurance companies)are in the business of rooting out…

Hire yourself a lawyer specializing in disability. The SSA (and your own insurance companies)are in the business of rooting out malingerers, and in the process they tend to also root out many people with legitimate claims who didn't know how to properly present their own cases. SSA rejects 75% of the claims that they receive, and 82% of the claims appealed to them for reconsideration.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

What is important in finding a doctor to treat me?

There may not be a cure for fibromyalgia, but there are treatments that will allow us to function, if not…

There may not be a cure for fibromyalgia, but there are treatments that will allow us to function, if not normally at least enough that we don't feel useless and handicapped. Doctors who think of fibro as a "wastebasket" diagnosis tend to dismiss most of your symptoms as being psychosomatic, and may not be willing to prescribe anything other than aspirin.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

What are the best shoe styles for someone with FMS?

Slip-on shoes are preferable to tie shoes; bending over often leads to muscle cramps in the abdomen. Make sure your…

Slip-on shoes are preferable to tie shoes; bending over often leads to muscle cramps in the abdomen. Make sure your shoes have a comfortable heel and are in fabric or leather that isn't too stiff and unyielding.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

How can I choose a shoe for best leg and foot support?

Slip-on shoes are preferable to tie shoes; bending over often leads to muscle cramps in the abdomen. Make sure your…

Slip-on shoes are preferable to tie shoes; bending over often leads to muscle cramps in the abdomen. Make sure your shoes have a comfortable heel and are in fabric or leather that isn't too stiff and unyielding.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

What do I do if my disability claim in denied?

Hire yourself a lawyer specializing in disability. The SSA (and your own insurance companies)are in the business of rooting out…

Hire yourself a lawyer specializing in disability. The SSA (and your own insurance companies)are in the business of rooting out malingerers, and in the process they tend to also root out many people with legitimate claims who didn't know how to properly present their own cases. SSA rejects 75% of the claims that they receive, and 82% of the claims appealed to them for reconsideration.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

Can I relieve my allergies without having to take more pills?

Invest in an air purifier - preferably one that is also an ionizer. It will trap dust, mold, smoke and…

Invest in an air purifier - preferably one that is also an ionizer. It will trap dust, mold, smoke and other impurities in the air so that they don't aggravate the allergies so many of us suffer from. The Neo-Tec JX-2000 is an affordable room sized purifier that works well and doesn't require expensive filters. You'll feel better almost immediately.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

How can I minimize scrubbing on burnt pots and pans?

Put stubborn, crusted pans on the burner with water and a little dish soap, and turn on the flame. In…

Put stubborn, crusted pans on the burner with water and a little dish soap, and turn on the flame. In a few minutes the brown stuff will loosen and should come up easily. It's a bit like making gravy and getting all the good browned bits from the bottom of the pan. This also works well if you pour boiling water over the sides of china, porcelain or glass dishes that have burnt food in them.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

How can I avoid oven cleaning?

Put stubborn, crusted pans on the burner with water and a little dish soap, and turn on the flame. In…

Put stubborn, crusted pans on the burner with water and a little dish soap, and turn on the flame. In a few minutes the brown stuff will loosen and should come up easily. It's a bit like making gravy and getting all the good browned bits from the bottom of the pan. This also works well if you pour boiling water over the sides of china, porcelain or glass dishes that have burnt food in them.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

How can I stop feeling guilty because the house is messy?

Accept the fact that you can't do it all to some standard of perfection. Learn to set priorities about what…

Accept the fact that you can't do it all to some standard of perfection. Learn to set priorities about what cleaning really must be done and what you can either let slide or get help with.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

What does my doctor need to know about my medications?

Most doctors will start by prescribing something to help the pain associated with fibro. Some of the drugs commonly prescribed…

Most doctors will start by prescribing something to help the pain associated with fibro. Some of the drugs commonly prescribed include COX-2 inhibitors, Hydrocodone, Soma (Carisoprodol), Fentanyl (Duragesic) and Ultram. Pain medications have to be prescribed and taken extremely carefully because of the risks involved. Many have undesirable side effects, or interactions with other medications; a few can be addictive, so make sure your physician is aware of everything you are taking - even over the counter drugs.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

Why do things seem so loud and/or so bright?

Ultra-sensitivity to sensations occurs with about half of those diagnosed with fibro. Sound can be magnified to the point where…

Ultra-sensitivity to sensations occurs with about half of those diagnosed with fibro. Sound can be magnified to the point where it becomes unbearable; you can hear your watch battery running, or the sound of someone nearby swallowing normally. Lights become blinding, odors overwhelm. The sensitivity comes and goes.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan