Veterans Choice Program

Can I call my non-VA doctor to make an appointment?

No, please call the Choice Program call center at 866-606-8198 to verify eligibility and make your appointment.

No, please call the Choice Program call center at 866-606-8198 to verify eligibility and make your appointment.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

How is the 40 mile calculation made?

This calculation is based on the distance from your permanent residence (or an active temporary address) to the closest VA…

This calculation is based on the distance from your permanent residence (or an active temporary address) to the closest VA facility-- including Community-Based Outpatient Clinics and VA Medical Centers.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

If I am eligible for the Choice Program, can I receive Beneficiary Travel for travel to appointments with a Choice provider?

Yes, the Choice Act does provide the ability to pay for travel to the Choice preferred provider for Veterans who…

Yes, the Choice Act does provide the ability to pay for travel to the Choice preferred provider for Veterans who are eligible for Beneficiary Travel. However, the Choice Act did not provide any new Beneficiary Travel eligibility.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

I didn’t get my Choice Card, what do I do?

You do not need your Choice Card to access the Choice Program. If you didn’t receive a Choice Card, simply…

You do not need your Choice Card to access the Choice Program. If you didn’t receive a Choice Card, simply call 866-606-8198 to find out if you are eligible and to make an appointment.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

How do I get my prescription filled if I use the Choice Program?

The Choice Program non-VA Provider will issue a prescription with up to a 14 day supply of a National Formulary…

The Choice Program non-VA Provider will issue a prescription with up to a 14 day supply of a National Formulary drug. You may have the 14 day supply prescription filled at any non-VA pharmacy of your choosing and may submit a request for reimbursement to VA. For prescriptions needed past 14 days, please follow standard procedures to fill a prescription at the VA pharmacy.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

If I use the Choice Program, does that affect my VA health care?

No, not at all. You do not have to choose between the two—the Choice Program is here to make it…

No, not at all. You do not have to choose between the two—the Choice Program is here to make it easier to access the care you need, close to home. .

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

Is Emergency care covered by the Choice Program?

No, emergency care is not covered under the Choice Program. All care under the Choice Program is required to be…

No, emergency care is not covered under the Choice Program. All care under the Choice Program is required to be preauthorized. VA has other options for you if you require emergency care. Please contact your local VA medical facility for more information.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

I live in Alaska/Hawaii, am I automatically eligible for the Choice Program?

Yes, as long as the Veteran was enrolled in VA Healthcare on or before August 1, 2014 or is eligible…

Yes, as long as the Veteran was enrolled in VA Healthcare on or before August 1, 2014 or is eligible to enroll as a recently discharged combat Veteran.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

I live in New Hampshire, am I automatically eligible for the Choice Program?

If you live more than 20 miles from the White River Junction VA, you are eligible. If you live less…

If you live more than 20 miles from the White River Junction VA, you are eligible. If you live less than 20 miles from the White River Junction VA you are not eligible, based on the distance criteria.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

If I do not qualify for the Veterans Choice Program, are there other options I can use to access non-VA health care?

Yes, there are other non-VA care programs you may be able to use. Each program has its own eligibility requirements.…

Yes, there are other non-VA care programs you may be able to use. Each program has its own eligibility requirements. Talk to your VA medical provider or click here for more details about these programs.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

My non-VA doctor is not part of the Choice Program, can he/she join?

Yes. VA is actively seeking to expand its network of community providers. Your doctor can call 866-606-8198 to learn more…

Yes. VA is actively seeking to expand its network of community providers. Your doctor can call 866-606-8198 to learn more about the Veterans Choice Program and to become an approved Choice provider. If your preferred provider is not available under the Program, we will recommend other providers in your area. Your doctor can find more information

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

Am I responsible for my private insurance deductible if I get care through the Choice Program?

Yes, if you are receiving non-service connected care. Your private health insurance will be the primary payer for non-service connected…

Yes, if you are receiving non-service connected care. Your private health insurance will be the primary payer for non-service connected care and you may be responsible for the health insurance deductibles cost-shares. If you are receiving service connected care, you will not be responsible for your deductible as VA is primarily responsible for service connected care received through the Choice Program.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

What about VA copayments? Will they be collected by the community provider?

VA copays will be billed by VA after the appointment. If you currently pay VA copayments you will be subject…

VA copays will be billed by VA after the appointment. If you currently pay VA copayments you will be subject to the same copayment requirements under the Choice Program. Your VA copay will be determined by VA after the care is provided.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

What if I don’t have a VA copayment?

If you are VA copayment exempt then you will not be required to make the VA copayment under the Choice…

If you are VA copayment exempt then you will not be required to make the VA copayment under the Choice Program.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

Am I responsible for Medicare, Medicaid or TRICARE cost-shares?

No, these plans are not considered Other Health Insurance for purposes of the Choice Program. You will not be billed…

No, these plans are not considered Other Health Insurance for purposes of the Choice Program. You will not be billed by the VCP provider for any of the cost-shares associated with these plans.

See more at:

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

How can I confirm if I am eligible for the Choice Program?

Call the Choice Program Call Center at 866-606-8198 for more information.

Call the Choice Program Call Center at 866-606-8198 for more information.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan

What happens once I have been determined as eligible?

Call the Choice Program Call Center at 866-606-8198 to set up an appointment.

Call the Choice Program Call Center at 866-606-8198 to set up an appointment.

Posted 1 year agoby Kristijan