New Clinic Open in June


LUBBOCK, Texas — Right across from Texas Tech Health Sciences Center, the brand-new VA clinic prepares to open its doors.

The building has been under construction for months, and now their grand opening is right around the corner. The Administrator for the Outpatient Clinic, Antron Patton, said the entire project has been with Veterans in mind.

“All of our efforts are lined with taking care of the Veteran,” Patton said. “All of our health care professionals are expected to perform as a team and provide whole health for the Veteran.”

The former clinic operated with limited resources and forced many patients to drive up to 266 miles for annual or routine check-ups. The new facility will offer patients primary care essentials like X-Ray, Radiology, CT, MRI and cardiology.

Other features of the clinic include a separate entrance for patients who seek treatment for military sexual trauma to allow for discretion.

“Military sexual trauma is, unfortunately, a big thing and having their own entrance way to their own sitting area, to me, that’s phenomenal,” said Paul Cuellar, Veteran’s coordinator at Refuge Services, Lubbock.

The Veterans Administration Chief of Community Outpatient Nursing, Dalton Keel, said the clinic is expanding its mental health programs for patients.

“We’ll have a larger mental health capacity. That base is fundamental for our Veteran care, one of the real things we’re looking to enhance so that we can create a more welcoming environment for Veterans to come into,” Keel said.


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