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Veterans Exposed to Burn Pits Need Your Action

On April 8, 2021, Representative Elissa Slotkin (MI), a member of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, and Representative Peter Meijer (MI), introduced H.R. 2436, the Veterans Burn Pit Exposure Recognition Act, a companion bill to S. 437.

Currently, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) does not provide a presumption of service connection for diseases related to burn pit exposure. Exposed veterans must file for direct service connection and VA has denied nearly 80% of those claims since 2007. A recent report from the National Academies notes there is currently insufficient evidence for presumptive diseases and that more studies are needed.    

However, Congress can take action now and not wait for more studies to be completed. H.R. 2436 would concede exposure to burn pits to any veteran who was exposed to specific toxins currently accepted by VA and served in certain locations with burn pits recognized by VA. If the evidence is not sufficient for VA to grant the claim, the bill requires VA to request a medical opinion to address the association of the veteran’s claimed disease to the known toxins.

Consistent with DAV Resolution No. 049, we support H.R. 2436, as it would remove obstacles for veterans trying to establish a claim based on burn pit exposure. We are calling on all DAV members and supporters to contact their Representative and urge them to co-sponsor and support H.R. 2436—the Veterans Burn Pits Exposure Recognition Act of 2021.

Your action on H.R. 2436 will advise Congress of the dire need of benefits and health care for veterans exposed to toxins emitted from burn pits. Thank you for all you do for America’s ill and injured veterans and their families.