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Join DAV in our support of H.R. 1606, the Veterans Entrepreneurship Training Act, which would statutorily authorize the Boots to Business (B2B) program that helps transitioning service members to start and grow businesses.

B2B is an entrepreneurial education and training program offered by the Small Business Administration as part of the Department of Defense's Transition Assistance Program (TAP). The B2B program offers transitioning service members and military spouses a foundational two-day, in-person course for an introduction to business ownership which can be followed by optional online courses on topics including market research, business fundamentals, and revenue readiness.

The Veteran Entrepreneurship Training Act would authorize the B2B program for five years.

In accordance with DAV Resolution No. 439, DAV strongly supports H.R. 1606, the Veterans Entrepreneurship Training Act. Veterans deserve the opportunity for self-employment that accommodates their employment barriers and provides them with financial empowerment.

Please use the prepared email to contact your Representative to request they co-sponsor H.R. 1606. Thank you for your support and defense of our nation's Veterans who were wounded, injured or made ill due to their service.