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To better support Veterans impacted by COVID-19, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced today it is partnering with Blue Star Families (BSF) for the COVID-19 Military Support Initiative (CMSI).

The mission of CMSI is to share information, maintain engagement and develop best practices and policy approaches to ensure our military families receive the support it deserves.

“Our nation, military families and communities are facing a challenge like we have not seen in one hundred years,” said VA Secretary Robert Wilkie. “In dealing with COVID-19, our national security depends on ensuring we provide our military families with as much understanding, information and support as possible.”

CMSI builds upon previous work between VA and BSF to include comprehensive coverage of the federal response with a daily newsletter; hosting virtual town halls on the key issues impacting the military; identifying best practices and policy solutions and creating a repository to capture frequently asked questions.

VA and BSF joined forces with the Association of Defense Communities (ADC) and participants of the White Oak Collaborative to create a united, national platform to provide resources and expertise to support communities, states, and military families in crisis. ADC is also a connection point for civilian and military leaders on community-military issues.


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