Take Action


Please join Vietnam Veterans of America in supporting S. 657, The Agent Orange in Thailand Act, introduced by Senator John Boozman (R-AR) and Senator Jon Testers (D-MT), and companion bill H.R. 2229, introduced by Congressman Bruce Westerman (R-AR-4), also entitled The Agent Orange in Thailand Act.

These companion bills would modify the presumption of service connection for veterans who were exposed to herbicidal agents while serving in the Armed Forces in Thailand during the Vietnam era, and for other purposes, regardless of where on the base the veteran was located or what military job specialty the veteran had performed.

S.657 and H.R. 2269, The Agent Orange in Thailand Act, which VVA fully supports, will provide VA benefits to Vietnam veterans who served on bases in Thailand between January 9, 1962, and June 30, 1976, and were exposed to Agent Orange and other herbicides, widely used to remove foliage that provided cover for enemy forces.

Please contact your Member NOW, and send the prepared letter, asking them to support S. 657 and H.R. 2269, the Agent Orange in Thailand Act, which would offer healthcare and compensation to those veterans who served in Thailand in all military locations and provide for those who have fought for years with the Veterans Benefits Administration to prove that their illnesses are related to their service.