What should I wear when I am receiving chemotherapy?
Where comfortable clothes; bring a sweater if you get cold easily.
How long will my chemotherapy take?
The amount of time it takes depends on the chemotherapy that’s been decided upon by you and your doctor.
Can I drive myself to my appointments?
Yes. You can drive yourself to your appointments, as long as you feel well enough to do so and are not under the influence of sedating medication.
Can I bring someone with me?
Yes. We prefer you don’t bring more than two guests at a time and no one younger than 12 years of age.
Can I eat before chemotherapy?
Yes, we recommend it. It is also a good idea to bring snacks and a lunch if you will be here for several hours.
How am I going to feel during my chemotherapy?
You will most likely feel as you would normally. The effects of chemotherapy do not usually start immediately, when you’re receiving it.
Will I feel bad during or after chemotherapy?
If you start to feel ill from the chemotherapy, it generally begins around the second or third day following chemo. You will be given prescriptions for anti-nausea medication prior to your chemo treatments.
Are there resources for symptom management?
The “Chemotherapy and You” book is a great resource for symptom management; you will receive this book at your first chemo appointment.
Will I lose my hair?
Whether you loose your hair will depend on the chemotherapy you receive. Not all chemo treatments include hair loss as a side effect.
More information on what to expect before, during and after your procedure or treatment can be found in the Chemotherapy video, located here.